District Board Members

  Current District Board Members


XXXX, President

Current Term: May 20xx to May 20xx

Board Member Since: May 20xx (Elected)

Biography: Homeowner

XXXX, Director

Current Term: May 20xx to May 20xx

Board Member Since: July 20xx (Appointed)

Biography: Homeowner
XXXX, Director

Current Term: May 20xx to May 20xx

Board Member Since: May 20xx (Elected)

Biography: Homeowner

Current Term: May 20xx to May 20xx

Board Member Since: N/A

Biography: N/A

Current Term: May 20xx to May 20xx

Board Member Since: N/A

Biography: N/A

Board Member Qualifications

To serve on the District board, individuals cannot have been convicted of a felony. In addition, Colorado law requires individuals be (1) a registered voter in Colorado and either (a) a resident of the District for not less than 30 days or (b) an owner of taxable real or personal property situated within the District. A person who owns property within the District through a legal entity (e.g. partnership, LLC, corporation, trust) does not meet the qualification requirements to serve on the District board.

Interested individuals must also be willing to complete the oath of office and attend the District's regular board meetings. A director will vacate his/her seat on the board if he/she (1) fails to attend three consecutive Board meetings and (2) fails to attend any subsequent board meeting after failing to attend three consecutive board meetings.

Generally, the minimum time commitment for serving on the District board is not significant. (There is no maximum time commitment associated with serving on the District board, and the more time board members spend serving the District, the better off our District is from their service!) Board members are expected to attend the regular and (if called) special board meetings of the District and each meeting generally lasts two hours. In addition, Board members are expected to respond timely to emails (primarily from the District manager) to ensure the day-to-day operations of the District continue without interruption. We also encourage board members to attend qualified training sessions including those provided by the Special District Association and the Colorado Division of Local Government.

  Past District Board Members
 Service Term on Board
Name Relationship to District  Start Date End Date
 1.   Homeowner    
 2.   Homeowner    
 3.   Homeowner    
 4.   Homeowner    
 5.    Developer    
 6.    Developer    
 7.    Developer    
 8.    Developer
 9.    Developer
 10.    Developer
 11.    Developer
 12.    Developer