Urban Drainage South Platte District

General Information: The UDSP District (or Sub-District) is a sub district created in 1981 by the Urban Drainage and Flood Control (UDFC) District. It was established in order to provide special attention to the South Platte River, which is the receiving body of water for all the other drainageways within the Sub-District. The UDFC District Board annually allocates construction project funds based on timing of projects, availability of matching funds, relative need and priority of proposed improvements, and compatibility with the South Platte River master plan.
District Oversight: The Sub-District is subject to the oversight of the Board of the UDFC District.
Property Tax Usage: Property taxes collected by the Sub-District are used to fund capital improvement projects along the Platte River and the maintenance of the Platte River.
Mill Levy Restrictions: The Sub-District may charge a mill levy of up to 0.100 for any calendar year.  However, the Sub-District is restricted from raising the mill levy above 0.100 without first obtaining approval from the registered voters and property owners within the Sub-District.
External Website: Click here to open the UDFC District's website and learn more about its Sub-District.
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